Written for Poets United Mid Week Motif
Linking to: Poetry Pantry #186
Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, add it to the goodwill thread there and I'll drop by and give it some love.
Linking to: Poetry Pantry #186
image source: google images
The mirror of my soul my moments reflect
Not just of this life but of sojourns in time
Somehow I know but ever warily suspect
But like a nurturing mother she repeats the mime
If only I look and heed her care
For she is the essence of His love
And yet I rebel and ignore and dare
And close my eyes to her and above
Gently she coaxes and shows me the way
Patience epitomised love never wavering
Until at last in my life breaks that day
When I finally understand my soul's labouring
The mirror of my soul my moments reflect
Not just of this life but of sojourns in time
My soul I am blessed, for you I have met
Now the journey with you in this life is sublime
Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, add it to the goodwill thread there and I'll drop by and give it some love.