Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Bliss of You

The word I chose for 2014 was Joy so it's only fitting to end the year with a poem that depicts Joy or the Bliss of God.

image source:  google images

Sing that song you sang to me
That intoxicated my heart many millennia ago
Sing that song you sang to me
That made my heart overflow

Play the melody you played to me
That enticed my spirit and bound me close to you
Play the melody you played to me
That sparked a love so true

Dance that dance you danced with me
That exhilarated my soul through time and space
Dance that dance you danced with me
With cosmic swirls and perfect grace

For when you sing and play and dance
The Universe hums in harmony
And souls then sing and play and dance
And peace prevails consciously

For joy is the essence of your creation
And joy is the way to eternal life
For joy is your blessing for all creation
And joy is the way to your side.


Linking to:
Imaginary Garden With Real Toads
Poetry Pantry #233

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Pebble

image by markuso at http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

The pebble had a strange glow
She watched it for a while
Why only she saw it she didn't know
But it did make her smile

It was her special pebble
Seemed it was for her alone
While her friends played with beads and bauble
She played with her little stone

She washed it very carefully
And offered it fresh flowers
She sweetly sang some melodies
She lovingly gazed at it for hours

It's a matter of how you view
And what you perceive
A stone is just a stone for few
Or God if you so believe


Written for Poetry Jam - Pebbles
Linking to: Poetry Pantry #226

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Thursday, October 2, 2014


The sunrise that heralds a new day
The wind that blows those cobwebs away

The birds that fly high and low
The flowers that blossom and trees that grow

The clouds that look like cotton wool
The thunderstorm, the rain so cool

The lightening that frightens some
A gloomy day that makes us glum

The butterfly, the moth, the bee
The rivers, and the sand and sea

The hills and mountains majestic and tall
The cliffs and tumbling waterfall

The multitude of animals that live in forests
The mirages and the shifting desserts

The wonders of Nature we take for granted
All of creation of which we are enchanted

Perhaps it's all illusion, the conjuring magic of our Creator
Yet man and his inventions often think that they are greater


Written for Poetry Jam
Linking to Poetry Pantry #221

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Under God's Heaven

image source: google images

The tattered diary a prized possession
A life described during sad aggression

Senseless killing no one spared
Felt like no one even cared

Don't they know that war is futile
Destroying lives is sad and vile

I hope someday the light will shine
And peace and harmony will fall in line

When one community called humankind
Tolerance and love for each other will find

For our souls they weep in sad despair
And for us all they join in silent prayer

Imagine a world that's just like heaven
Where uplifting others is the only obsession

And kindness is a daily habit
And we feel the presence of the Holy Spirit

The tattered diary was a prized possession
Why don't we learn from it and end repression.


I chose the diary of Anne Frank as something that would've been quite ordinary but a prized possession to Anne. Her story touches our hearts and is the inspiration behind my poem. What went on in Anne's mind, did she wonder about a time under God's heaven when peace would be the way?

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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dear Diary

Dear Diary
You know me well
You know my thoughts
And memories upon which I dwell

You travelled with me
Far and wide
Like a comforting friend
You're by my side

You shoulder my burdens
Help me shed my load
And when I feel timid
Your words make me bold

You share in my solitude
My snippets you enjoy
You laugh at my jokes
Shed tears when I cry

I enjoy my moments
In silence with you
You are my dear friend
Selfless and true.

Today's little entry
Is my gift to you
Thank you with love
Signed, Suzy Que

Written for:
Poet's United Mid Week Motif Diary Stories
Poetry Jam - Alone

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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lost and Found

image source: google images

Life you threw me all askew
In despair I travelled trudging on
Ignorant of  jewels yet to be born
Of experiences wonderful and new
I lost it all, those material things
I thought that I had lost my soul
Then Lord you held me, made me whole
And Your flute, it brought me joy and wings

Written for:
Real Toads in Octave form = rhyming pattern abbacddc
Poetry Jam - Lost and Found
Linking to:
Poetry Pantry #205 

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blessing Or A Curse?

The sound of the flute, soothes my soul
A heartache acute, a longing uncontrolled

My body is aching, my mind is numb
My eyes are failing, I can eat only crumbs

But once I was young, my mind sharp as a tack
And life was a song, and there was no lack

I thought back to those moments, when I played with my mates
Jumping in puddles, no cares no complaints

Is life a blessing, or is it a curse?
What was its purpose, did I deftly traverse?

What were its components, pleasing or grim?
Did the Gods chant a lament or a blessed  hymn?

My mind is uneasy, my body is fading
I'm old and so weary, I'm slowly decaying

I long for some comfort, my heart is in pain
Then the sound of the flute, begins again.


The sound of the flute is so soothing and so comforting.
And those that hear Lord Krishna's flute are truly blessed.

Written for:
Poetry Jam - Age, Aged, Aging
Real Toads - Curse
Linking to:
DVerse Open Link Night
Poetry Pantry #204

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Sunday, May 18, 2014


Written For: Real Toads picture prompt,   Poetry Jam - Friends
Linking to:    Poetry Pantry #202

River Kinzig  picture source: with real toads

I sit by the banks of the Kinzig
In quiet contemplation
My mind goes off meandering
To childhood reminiscence 

My friend we laughed at little things
Life carefree in the sun
So many songs we had to sing
Days filled with innocence and fun

The times we chattered whispering
While teacher's voice droned on
The scribbled notes and giggling
Cherished moments long gone

How did time go whizzing by
Our lives now half over
Long ago we wished time would fly
Now we wish it would go slower

I sit by the banks of the Kinzig
In quiet contemplation
I smile as my mind goes meandering
To childhood reminiscence 


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Saturday, May 3, 2014


Written for: Real Toads - Vignette   and   Poetry Jam - Sunset
Linking to:  Poetry Pantry #201

As the sun dipped over the horizon
It made one last spectacular attempt
To show off its magnificence
At bay the night it kept

With many hues of red and gold
The sky lit up in splendour
Each breath we drew as the patterns unfold
In silent awe and wonder.

A vignette is like a poem and personal narrative combined. it focuses on a particular moment, mood, aspect, setting, character or object. Writing a vignette can help you illustrate a certain moment for others to learn from or help you come to terms with professional or personal issues. It can also be used for character exploration. Similar to flash fiction, which is an explosive moment described with a great deal of impact squeezed into a few pages, a vignette does not need a lot of dramatic weight. It's an honest and very personal reflection of anything that comes to your mind or that you've experienced.

Follow me via my facebook page  Suzy's Ilation

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Spirit Of Love

Prompts this week:
One Single Impression - prompt #279 - Demon
Verse First - Lock
Linking up to Write Tribe picture prompt

write tribe picture prompt - image source

Verse First prompt:

Virginia Woolf once said, "“I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.”

Upon consideration, one realizes that being locked - in  or out- can be literal, emotional, medical, figurative.  And there are other meanings to ponder. A lock can be a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed. It can be a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it. Or a lock can be a simple strand or cluster of hair.

Write a poem around the notion of a lock, using whatever meaning sets free your creativity.

image source: google images

Lock the door of my heart so I can behold only you
Hold the key in your hands to the end of time
Let my love not waver nor question this bond
Let my soul shine through like a beacon of love

You and I have sailed the tumultuous seas
In millennium after millennium
Locked our hands that none could break apart
And sang together the songs of our souls

Let me hear again the melody that entices my spirit
And binds me ever closer to you
Let me rest awhile in your loving embrace 
So my weary soul may dance again; renewed, refreshed, awakened


OSI prompt - Demon

The mind is in constant battle with the heart and is the mastermind behind that creeping fear.

Let the demon of doubt vanish from my mind
Let him not start a feud with my heart
Let him no place in my existence find
Let him not tear my soul apart

For love is the key to conquer all
With faith in my heart I free my mind
The demon of doubt then begins to fall
And unlocked are the fearful chains that bind

Also linking to dVerse Open Link Night #105

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Loving Heart

Written for:

image source: the write tribe

The heart is the vault where love resides
It's true nature is compassionate and kind
Love is a universal energy, a state of bliss
Individually defined and mine is this ...

Love is your shoulder when I need some rest
Love is a kind word when I'm not at my best
Love is a sweet smile that lights up your face
Love is your unique style no one can replace

Love is a wonder like a blooming rose
Love is that familiar touch that helps me repose
Love is a warm hug that soothes my mind
Love is that universal spark eternal and divine

Love is that energy that brings me peace
Love is to give but also to receive
Love is a little flame that touches my soul
Love is a tender heart that makes me whole


Wishing you all a very Happy Valentines Day.

Drop by my page on facebook Suzy's Ilation and leave a link so I can drop by and say hello.

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ode to my Dad

Written for: Poetry Jam - Tribute

Quiet and gentle,
Great strength of character
Peaceful mantle
A true benefactor

Always a good word
Seeing goodness in all
Faced life undeterred
Through many a squall

Loving and kind
Humble and unassuming
Beautiful mind
Never complaining

A smile on his face
Always encouraging
Filled with grace
Ever forgiving

This was my dad
A man amazing and rare
I was truly blessed 
To have been in his care

Be at peace Dad.

Drop by my page on facebook Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts need some tlc, leave a link there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Mirror Of My Soul

Written for Poets United Mid Week Motif
Linking to:  Poetry Pantry #186

image source: google images

The mirror of my soul my moments reflect
Not just of this life but of sojourns in time
Somehow I know but ever warily suspect
But like a nurturing mother she repeats the mime

If only I look and heed her care
For she is the essence of His love
And yet I rebel and ignore and dare
And close my eyes to her and above

Gently she coaxes and shows me the way
Patience epitomised love never wavering
Until at last in my life breaks that day
When I finally understand my soul's labouring

The mirror of my soul my moments reflect
Not just of this life but of sojourns in time
My soul I am blessed, for you I have met
Now the journey with you in this life is sublime

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, add it to the goodwill thread there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Written for:  Poet's United Mid Week Motif  and  Poetry Jam

Mid Week Motif - Newness
In 75 words or less: A New Year.  Again.  Are you a fan of "new"? Or are you tired of the whole idea of "new," preferring the tried and true? 

Poetry Jam - Fire
So what does fire mean to you 

When I first saw the fire prompt, the first thing that came into my head was the sun. I start each day with the Surya Namaskar so combining the two prompts I came up with:

The fiery rays of the sun
Heralds a new day
I bow in reverence
And duly pray

Surya Dev
May we feel your warmth
May your light shine bright
As we go forth

May our minds be illuminated
Like you light up the earth
May our thoughts be enlightened
And to new ideas give birth

Let each day begin
With the Surya Namaskar
Let us reflect your light
Like the moon and the stars.


Surya Dev (Sun God)
Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation

Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, add it to the goodwill thread there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

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Friday, January 3, 2014


Written for:  Real Toads
Linking to:    Poetry Pantry #183

Real Toads prompt - Resolutions
The challenge is entirely open to personal interpretation of the theme: "Resolutions" and the poem you write for this challenge may be reflective, narrative, analytical or abstract. 

image source:  google images

New Year Resolutions
I left a long time ago
Never comes to fruition
So now I go with the flow

The Universe has
A plan of its own
Erases mine enmasse
Plants its, firm like a throne

Its amazing plan
I've learned to trust
Sometimes hard to understand 
But always robust

Eventually I find 
They're grand and exciting
Better than mine
And always uplifting

New Year Resolutions
I left a long time ago
Never comes to fruition
So now I go with the flow


Drop by my facebook page Suzy's Ilation and if any of your posts needs some tlc, add it to the goodwill thread there and I'll drop by and give it some love.

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